Empowering Employees Through Training


Using employee training to cultivate initiative, innovation and excellence in an increasingly competitive market

In today’s age of innovation, initiative is key. But how does one find, maintain and encourage the kind of employees who take personal interest in driving their company forward? The truth of the matter is, that initiative and driven employees are never simply foundmaintained or even encouraged to be a contributive part of an organization.

Recent studies have even shown that bonus-based strategies may have adverse effects on corporate culture and may carry negative consequences. They tend to create a divide between those employees who receive bonuses and other forms of compensation, and those who do not. Instead, the kind of quality employees who are always in demand in today’s market are cultivated. While encouragement is an integral part of cultivation, the latter term suggests a much more comprehensive and involved attitude towards employee recruitment, onboarding and subsequent retention.


It is hardly a wonder that in the contemporary job market, the field of Human Resources has experienced such an upsurge in demand and importance. This is especially true of fields such as high-end sales, hi-tech and technology, finance etc. All fields in which innovation is part and parcel of their respective market culture. All fields in which the quality of the individual worker as well as that of his or her group or team, are of crucial importance. The same is doubly true, of course, in recruitment for senior positions in organizations.

When so much is at stake, it is not very surprising that many organizations opt for relegating the recruitment process to HR professionals. But the “delivery” of quality employees does not end with locating and hiring them. processes such as employee onboarding and employee training are equally as important. The old adage about never getting a second chance to make a first impression is also true of new employees’ assimilation into the company. Setting employees on the right track, as they join the organization has the potential to determine the satisfaction of employees and employers alike.

Starting a new job can be quite overwhelming, both socially and professionally. Adding to the stress is the need to perform, to show the organization’s trust in the new recruit is justified. This has significant influence on the employee’s confidence. But a sense of self-worth is the foundation stone on which excellent employees start building their way up. It also hastens turnover rates. This is why organizations all over the world invest a great deal of money in developing and/or acquiring new tools and services, which have the potential to facilitate onboarding and training processes. One of the leading solutions in this field is, of course – walkthrough guides.


How do walkthrough guides aid in cultivating an organizational culture of innovation? The answer may be divided into two sides

  1.     Advanced guides encourage employees to rely on themselves. It enables even new employees to become their own “problem-solvers.”
  2.     Well-made guides provide employees with a sense of security which arises from the realization that in order for the organization to great the guide for him. Also, good guides give employees the impression that they are in good hands.

When the onboarding process demonstrates the organization cultivates personal development and responsibility, and reassurance that it can handle innovative and driven employees, that it can guide them while leaving them room for growth, the right kind of employees thrive.

Want to learn more about empowering your employees and training them while cultivating a corporate culture of self-motivation and innovation? Please contact us.